Addressing Ignored CIPs and DAO Fundamentals

Addressing Ignored CIPs and DAO Fundamentals

It is disheartening to see that the core team continues to ignore the fundamental principles of a DAO by failing to put important proposals to a vote. Despite the significant amount of time that has passed since the submission of several CIPs, we have yet to see any meaningful action from the core team. This lack of responsiveness is not only frustrating but also raises serious concerns about the commitment of the core team to the values of decentralization and community governance.

In our previous feedback post, we highlighted the critical need to refine our governance rules to ensure transparency, clarity, and effective decision-making within the Conic DAO. Since then, we have created another four CIPs, each addressing essential aspects of our governance and operations. However, the core team has still not initiated the first vote on the “Core Team Communication” CIP, even after 25 days. Similarly, the “Delegation of Power” and “Implementing Curve Lending” CIPs have been ignored for 19 days, and the “Enabling All Members to Submit Proposals to Snapshot” CIP has not received a single comment for 10 days.

This ongoing neglect by the core team to address these proposals is a clear deviation from the core principles of a DAO. The very essence of a DAO is to empower the community to participate in governance and decision-making processes. When the core team selectively decides which proposals are worthy of consideration and when they will be voted on, it undermines the democratic nature of the organization and erodes trust within the community.

If this behavior does not change, the DAO will utterly fail. A DAO that ignores its members’ voices and fails to act transparently and democratically cannot sustain itself or achieve its goals. Furthermore, trust in the core team will be lost. Who will want to lock CNC to gain voting power and the ability to create proposals when it is obvious that the core team still has the power to decide what goes in the DAO and what doesn’t? We urge the core team to rectify this situation immediately and start to think about what type of DAO the team wants and also consider those who already have locked CNC and unable to perform the basic rights of a DAO. We urge the team to commit to a more transparent and inclusive governance process. If the core team continues to disregard the fundamental values of a DAO, we wish them good luck, as this path will lead to the inevitable collapse of the Conic DAO.