[CIP] Enabling All Members to Submit Proposals on Snapshot

Enabling All Members to Submit Proposals on Snapshot


Empower all Conic DAO members who meet the vlCNC balance requirement to submit governance proposals on Snapshot, ensuring true decentralization and democratic governance within the DAO.


According to the current Conic DAO documentation:

  • Proposal Submission: “In order for a Conic governance proposal to be eligible for voting, a proposal must first be published on the Conic Discourse. Proposals that are posted on Snapshot without an accompanying Discourse post will be terminated by the core team. It is recommended that users wait 3 days after submitting their proposal on Discourse before posting it on Snapshot. This time will allow for the community to provide feedback and allow for a more concise proposal to be published on Snapshot.”

  • Minimum vlCNC Balance: “In order to post a CIP on Snapshot a user must have a minimum balance of 3,000 vlCNC.”

However, in practice, only core team members are currently able to submit proposals to Snapshot. This creates a situation where the core team has complete control over which proposals are voted on, undermining the principles of decentralization and democratic participation that are fundamental to a DAO.

Issues with Current Process

  1. Centralized Control:

    • The core team’s exclusive ability to submit proposals to Snapshot means they have ultimate control over the governance process, deciding which proposals are put to a vote and when.
    • This centralization contradicts the core principle of decentralization, where every member should have a voice in the governance process.
  2. Delays and Gatekeeping:

    • The core team can delay the submission of proposals to Snapshot, effectively gatekeeping the decision-making process.
    • This can lead to frustration within the community, as important proposals may be stalled or ignored.
  3. Inaccurate Documentation:

    • The documentation currently states that any user with a minimum balance of 3,000 vlCNC can post a CIP on Snapshot. This is not the case in practice, creating confusion and undermining trust in the governance process.


Allow All Eligible Members to Submit Proposals on Snapshot

To ensure true decentralization and democratic governance, it is proposed that any member who meets the minimum vlCNC balance requirement of 3,000 vlCNC should be able to submit governance proposals on Snapshot.

Benefits of Implementing this Change

  1. True Decentralization:

    • Allowing all eligible members to submit proposals will distribute power more evenly across the community, reflecting the core principles of a DAO.
    • This change will prevent the centralization of control within the core team and ensure that the community’s voice is adequately represented.
  2. Increased Transparency and Trust:

    • By enabling all eligible members to submit proposals, the governance process will become more transparent. Community members will see that their voices and ideas can directly influence the DAO’s direction.
    • This will build trust within the community, as members will feel more empowered and engaged in the decision-making process.
  3. Enhanced Participation and Engagement:

    • Removing the barrier for proposal submission will encourage more members to participate actively in governance, leading to a more vibrant and dynamic community.
    • Diverse perspectives will contribute to more robust and well-rounded decision-making.
  4. Adherence to Documentation and Principles:

    • Updating the process to align with the documented requirement of a 3,000 vlCNC balance will correct the current discrepancy and reinforce the integrity of the governance process.
    • Ensuring that the DAO operates according to its stated principles and documentation will enhance credibility and accountability.


For Conic DAO to truly embody the principles of decentralization and democratic governance, it is essential to allow all eligible members to submit proposals on Snapshot. By implementing this change, the DAO will become more transparent, inclusive, and engaging for all its members. This proposal ensures that the governance process is aligned with the documented requirements and principles, fostering a stronger and more resilient community.

Ultimately, the amount of vlCNC required to post a snapshot is not only a democratic decision but its a security issue as well. If their is large support for a fundamentally feasible market that the team supports building. I believe it surface on its own. I understand your frustration with the lack of transparency and protocol direction.

I’m unsure what you are replying to. The issue here is that NO ONE except the team can post on snapshot. I guess you only read the headline